Chinese vocabulary builder intermediate
Chinese vocabulary builder intermediate

chinese vocabulary builder intermediate chinese vocabulary builder intermediate

We Hanyu extracts example sentences (segmented with pinyin) from videos.Xiao xue tang provides ancient character variants, oracle bones, seal scripts, etc.Wengu provides classical Chinese works.Täglich Chinesisch (German) characters and components database.Shtooka provides Chinese word audio pronunciations.Multi-function Chinese Character Database provides ancient character forms and glyph origins.Little Prince Collection: 971 "The Little Prince" books in Mandarin.List of Chinese classifiers at Wikipedia.A List of Chinese names by Chih-Hao Tsai.Learn Chinese Club catalogues YouTube videos for learning Chinese.Dictionary of Chinese Character Variants.Chinese text project is a database of pre-modern Chinese texts.Chinese Linguipedia is a database of glyph origins.9610 Shufazidian is a database of calligraphic variants.Note: new rules could be added in the future. Please only include resources that have some kind of notoriety (we don't want to be flooded by useless resources).Add the resources in alphabetical order so they're easier to find.Include links to the sites only, don't post images, they would take too much space.

chinese vocabulary builder intermediate


Include also if registration is required. Both free and commercial resources are allowed, but make sure to include a note if they are.If a resource is listed, it does not imply we endorse it. Please do not include links to unlawful content (note: we are not international copyright lawyers).If you have concerns, questions, post a meta question, so we don't clutter the comments, but you can link your meta question from the comments. Just write in the appropriate answer/section. This is a community-maintained list of resources for learning Mandarin Chinese.

Chinese vocabulary builder intermediate